ComputerCyber Security

Don’t Be a Victim – Online Shopping Scams

Criminals don’t take the holidays off; they are busy gearing up for an active season of their own. With more people than ever doing their holiday shopping online, we remind shoppers to look out for scams designed to steal money and personal information.

If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers may offer too-good-to-be-true deals through phishing emails or advertisements. Some may offer brand name merchandise at extremely low discounts or promise gift cards as an incentive to purchase a product. Others may offer products at a great price, but the products being sold are not the same as the products advertised.

Steer clear of suspicious sites, phishing emails, or ads offering items at unrealistic discounts. Do not open unsolicited emails and do not click on any links attached. You may end up paying for an item, giving away personal information and credit card details, and receive nothing in return except a compromised identity.

When shopping online, do your research. Make sure a site is secure and reputable before providing your credit card number. Don’t trust a site just because it claims to be secure and beware purchases or services that require you to pay with a gift card.

Beware of social media posts that appear to offer special vouchers or gift cards. Some may pose as holiday promotions or contests. It may even appear that a friend shared the link. Often, these scams lead you to participate in an online survey that is actually designed to steal personal information.

Protect yourself. Secure your banking and credit accounts with strong passphrases, as well as all other accounts that contain anything of value such as rewards accounts, online accounts that save your payment information, or accounts containing private, personal information.

Check your credit card and bank statements regularly to make sure no fraudulent charges have been made to your account.


Duncan is a technology professional with over 20 years experience of working in various IT roles. He has a interest in cyber security, and has a wide range of other skills in radio, electronics and telecommunications.

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