Security VulnerabilitiesNews

7-Zip LsaAddAccountRights Function Access Restrictions Bypass Vulnerability [CVE-2018-10172]

CVE Number – CVE-2018-10172

A vulnerability in 7-Zip running on Microsoft Windows 10 could allow a local attacker to bypass access restrictions on a targeted system.

The vulnerability is due to improper security restrictions imposed by the affected software when the large memory pages option is used. When using this option, the SeLockMemoryPrivilege privilege is added to the current user account using the LsaAddAccountRights function, which could allow other applications on the system access to that privilege. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by executing an application on the system, which would run with SeLockMemoryPrivilege privileges, allowing the attacker to bypass access restrictions on a targeted system.

7-Zip has not confirmed the vulnerability and software updates are not available.

  • To exploit this vulnerability, the attacker must have user-level access to the targeted system. This access requirement could reduce the likelihood of a successful exploit.
  • Administrators are advised to contact the vendor regarding future updates and releases.

    Administrators are advised to allow only trusted users to access local systems.

    Administrators are advised to allow only privileged users to access administration or management systems.

    Administrators are advised to monitor critical systems.

Vendor Announcements
  • At the time this alert was first published, 7-Zip had not released a security announcement.
Fixed Software
  • At the time this alert was first published, 7-Zip had not released software updates.


Duncan is a technology professional with over 20 years experience of working in various IT roles. He has a interest in cyber security, and has a wide range of other skills in radio, electronics and telecommunications.

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